Tips for Creating Successful New Year’s Resolutions

New Year, new you right? It’s that time of year when many of us sit down and create resolutions, a list of things we’d like to achieve and create in the coming year. The fact is that statistics show that the majority of us ‘break’ our resolutions within the first month of the year. Not only do they advertise this it’s not really inspiring is it? So what’s the point?

I find in creating success around resolutions you have to take a different approach. The first one may be not to create them in January when the pressure’s on and everyone else is doing it. It’s stressful, everyone is comparing notes, asking what intentions you have set and why and then asking how you’re doing?

Second, we as human beings tend to set really large goals for ourselves. Breaking them down into small achievable goals will create success with ease and not make it so overwhelming.

So where do you start? You know you’d like to make some changes but how do you do that and be successful in doing it?

Here are some quick tips for creating successful New Year’s resolutions each year:

1.Don’t create them in January. When there is so much pressure to do so, instead just relax and take some time for yourself after the holiday rush. Taking that down time and the pressure off will ensure more success when you do set them up. Review the previous year and congratulate yourself on what you’ve done well. Then pick a time of year when it’s comfortable for you to create your goals. Maybe it’s February, might be Spring is the best time. YOU choose, don’t let society dictate.

2.Create goals instead of resolutions. Sometimes just changing what you are calling them is enough to make it stick. The ‘talk’ is that resolutions fail, but goals are usually quite successful.

3.Keep it simple. Create 1-3 goals and stick with those. Once you have achieved those or you are well on your way, add more if you like.

4.Break your goals down into small achievable steps. One of your goals may be to go to bed earlier – say 10 pm, right now you go at 11. Instead of jumping to 10 right away do it in 5 minute increments. 10:55 probably feels a lot more doable then going straight to 10. Do 10:55 for a few nights, when you’re feeling successful with that – back it up 5 more minutes and do that for a few nights. Doing this progressively in 5 minute increments until you reach your goal of 10 pm.

5.Write them down. The power of writing down your goals cannot be underestimated. It gives them more power and helps to make them real. You can also add in detail, which helps define and manifest your goal more quickly. Also your hands are a direct connection to your heart so it puts the power of love and intention behind them.

6.Take action. Pick 1 of your goals and take action towards it right away. One article I read recently suggested you use the 3 second rule. Once you have decided what you want, take an action step towards it. So if you decided you’d like to take that art class at the community center, get up and call to register.

It is also important to share your goals with someone who supports you. This will not only provide you with support but someone to encourage you if you hit a bump in the road and need a little ‘nudge’ to keep going.

There are other things too like keeping a journal or creating a vision board for your goals. These 2 activities are great to do with your kids, especially the vision board, as kids love cutting out pictures, gluing and drawing. Keep it simple for them and frame it in terms that they will understand. It could be as simple as what would you like to do this year (or where do you want to go?) and then get them to draw or create a picture/ vision board about it. It doesn’t matter if they say camping and you are already going, this helps them get in the mindset of creating, which they already do so well. If anything it supports what they can already do and helps them to maintain that ability.

Most important of all, whatever goals you set, have fun! All the best in 2020!

I encourage you to share here in the comments what some of your goals are, when you set them, and tools you used to achieve them. Sharing makes it real, and is a great way to gain support as well.

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