Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day is one of those holidays that although is only a one day event can be a wonderful celebration. Groundhog Day is when the groundhog emerges from his hollow after winter hibernation and predicts the arrival of spring. If the groundhog sees his shadow when he emerges he pops back into his hole and there will be six more weeks of winter. If he does not see his shadow then he remains out of his hole and means it will be an early spring.

There is a long tradition of celebration on this day from early morning festivals to see the groundhog emerge, with family and kids activities, parades, crafts and concerts. Some zoos have events as well that usually feature a presentation about the groundhog.

Bill Murray in Groundhog Day

The most famous groundhog is Punxsutawney Phil of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. (This is also where the 1993 film starring Bill Murray, Groundhog Day takes place. This is a wonderful and delightful film that is family friendly, if you haven’t already seen it, I would recommend it). But each town/ area has their own groundhog.

There are lots of things you can do with the kids on and around groundhog day too. There are crafts and activities, coloring pages and tongue twisters,  community events and of course the zoo!

Groundhog Day is a unique holiday that is recognized around the world. Why not take advantage of the day and check out what activities there are to go out and celebrate. (It’s a great opportunity for learning for the kids too – as well as a lot of fun).

What are you going to do for Groundhog Day this year?

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