I grew up around motorcycles. My mother rode, my father rode and as we got older both myself and my sister rode. I have fond memories of going for rides on the back of my Dad’s bike (at the time a little Yamaha 350), the wind blowing across my face, enjoying the open air. It was a thrill and I loved it!
I know many people don’t care for motorcycles as they feel they are unsafe and that the drivers can be careless, but I really feel it depends on who the drivers are and how they respect the bike. Being around them since I was 3 provided a deep respect for a motorcycle and what it can do, as well as an ability to ride. As a result they don’t scare me, it didn’t concern me when my spouse wanted to buy one or my kids interest in motorcycles. We all took the safety courses and have been taught how to properly manage a bike. And I know that as a driver I have to be that much more attentive to who or what is going on around me, because sometimes (not all the time) it is the drivers in the cars that are being unsafe by following the bike too close or trying to pass and then cutting the motorcyclist off. Either way I think we all have a responsibility.
Gear on the bike is just as important for safety, a good helmet, gloves, leather jacket (and this is for protection not just to look cool) and boots are some of the items that not only will keep the rider safe but more comfortable and protected from the elements. These items being in our house found our little 5 year old one day dressing up for the bike. I love how he is giving the ‘mean dude’ look in his oversized everything! Now Matthew did not get his first ride on the bike until he was 6 or 7, while I have been riding since 3 (and my Dad says I am a natural on the bike as a passenger, it’s like I’m not even there); but he loves it and last year got his own helmet and jacket to enjoy the rides with Dad or Gran and Grandpa for that matter (who now own a Yamaha Virago and Harley Davidson respectfully – just a small step up from the little 350:)