If only I had had this when…

It’s an interesting world out there. Things are changing and shifting, people are moving into different lifestyles, healthier, more active and for many of us, looking to slow down and become less busy! Enjoy more leisure time and be able to enjoy it -meaning having your health and the energy to do so.

We have definitely made a number these lifestyle changes at our house, the biggest one being the elimination of sugar, which was not an easy task. It was a huge learning curve and a big revamp of what we ate and how we made it. I learned all about the difference between refined and natural sugars, what substitutes to use in recipes, as well as the effects of sugar on our bodies. It was a huge undertaking and I did it all at once! Which may have not been the smartest plan but we learn.

I have noticed though that more and more people and families are also starting to reduce or eliminate the amount of sugar in their diets, recognizing the negative effects they have on our bodies, behavour, immune system, sleep, etc. I have also noticed that more articles on the topic are appearing in magazines, health practitioners are encouraging it and more resources are becoming available to help support families in this decision to enjoy a healthier lifestyle without sugar.

Recently I discovered a book titled Beat Sugar Addiction Now! For Kids. This is a wonderful book and one that I wish had been published when I was eliminating sugar in our house. It not only provides background and scientific research as to why we should eliminate sugar and what it’s effects are but it provides a step by step program for parents to eliminate sugar in the kids diets.

Their plan is a gradual process of eliminating sugar, not straight across the board like I did and honestly I would not recommend the way I did it, unless you had to for some reason. They do it a step at a time, reducing or eliminating a little bit, making small but consistent changes so that the kids can get used to it. They also say this aids in reducing the withdrawal symptoms and the fights and tantrums you could experience on a much lesser scale. Therefore being easier on you the parent as well as the child.

They provide tips on how to talk to your child about it and divide it into different age groups, as well as suggestions as to what to use for substitutes. They also talk about how to get your spouse on board, handle peer pressure and ways to help them follow the rules away from home. (I have found this to be my biggest challenge with my oldest son. He has no problems at home with how and what we eat or even when we visit relatives, but the challenge is when he goes to school and is ‘surrounded’ by all the processed and sweet treats that all the other children have. As though there are more and more people who are making these choices as well there are still many who aren’t. It makes it extremely hard for Matthew and sometimes he succumbs to the pressure. I wish I had had these tips when we began. Though we can implement them now it would have been easier to have them from the beginning).

I think it’s great that this book (and other resources) are becoming more available. It certainly makes it easier to make these changes when you have a guide or someone to share the experience with – support. It also helps the kids to recognize that the world is coming along too, simply meaning that they are not alone. As I know that is often how Matthew feels, like he is the only one and that he is being denied something that everyone else can have. But when he sees that more and more people are doing it, more options and that the world is ‘jumping on the train’ then it makes it easier.

I have often told Matthew that we are being leaders in this no sugar journey and that sometimes it is challenging to be the first, but that the rest of the world will catch on. He just kind of sighs and it doesn’t make him feel better but he accepts it, even if only a little. When things like this, the book or other written materials, come out to support what we are doing it is really helpful for all of us.

My point is if you are considering reducing or eliminating sugar consumption in your family’s diet that this book Beat Sugar Addiciton Now is a great resource and I would highly recommend using it.

If you do or have already embarked on the journey of eliminating sugar please come back and leave a comment here, sharing your story. Forming a sense of community and support is also key to being successful. Often times as well people have great tips and experiences to share as well as yummy recipes!