Chocolate Peanut Butter Cereal Squares

As promised I am sharing with you today the sugar and dairy free recipe for one of my all time favorite sweet treats. I have no idea where this recipe originally came from. It was one that my Mum made all the time when we were growing up and we all loved! It was very hard to have just one or two, as they were so good.

When we went sugar free at our house I thought that I would simply not make these anymore as they are so full of sugar and I had no idea what the possible substitutes could be. It seemed like a daunting task as many of the ingredients needed to be changed. But as I learned and adapted other recipes, discovering the various natural sugar substitutes out there I started to feel that I could easily adapt this recipe too. It might be a challenge and take a little time but I felt I could do it.

The first challenge was finding a brand of rice krispies and cornflakes that did not have any added sugar (because many cereals do). In my search I discovered Erewhon, a cereal company by Attune Foods that had both of the cereals I needed. Their brown rice krispies are sweetened with brown rice syrup, while their cornflakes have no added sugar at all.

Slowly slowly over the period of about a year I found what I was looking for and determined what alternatives could work in this recipe. And finally a few weeks ago I had everything I needed so I gave the new recipe a try. I am happy to report that they turned out great! and taste very similar to the original square. Taste tested by Matthew, he said that they did not taste different at all! And they must be good because he kept going to the fridge and scooping a few at a time.

Pleased with the results I shared the new recipe with my Mum and sisters – happy to have an alternative to our favorite treat. And today I am sharing the recipe with you. They are an easy no bake square and can be put together in less than 30 minutes. Make sure that you have your powdered sugar alternative ready and premixed as this can add to your time if you have to make this as well. The recipe for this is below.

My only tip is once they have set in the fridge, take them out and leave on the counter for a few minutes so they soften a little, this will make them easier to cut. I usually precut the whole pan and put them in a container in the freezer – the only downside is that they are too easy to grab and feast on! But great when you want to pull something out for company!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cereal Squares


3/4 c. coconut nectar

1/2 c. coconut sugar

1 c. unsweetened peanut butter

1 1/2 c. crushed Erewhon Corn Flakes

1 c. Erewhon Brown Rice Krispies

Heat the coconut nectar and coconut sugar until coconut sugar melts. Add peanut butter. Mix well. Then add corn flakes and rice krispies. Mix together well and press into greased 9×13″ pan.


2 tbsp. fat free Jell-o vanilla instant pudding (this is not an ideal replacement due to the asparthame in it, but it is sugar free – I am on the lookout for a better substitute for this)

Rice or almond milk (approx. 2 tbsp.)

1/4 c. melted Earth Balance vegan spread

2 1/2 c. powered sugar replacement

Beat together well. Pour over bottom.


4 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted

1/2 c. Earth Balance vegan spread

Melt chocolate and Earth Balance in a small pot on the stove over medium heat. Stir frequently to ensure that chocolate does not burn. Lower heat if necessary. Mix together. Once completely melted spread on top and refrigerate.

Sugar Free Powdered Sugar (replacement for regular icing sugar)

1 cup nonfat powdered milk (for dairy free use powdered coconut milk)

1 cup cornstarch

2/3 cup Krisda Stevia for baking

Combine all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and whip until blended and powdered. Store in an airtight container.

This replacement can be used in any recipe calling for icing sugar.



Stepping Stones

I had the pleasure of participating last weekend in a fundraising event for The Salvation Army Agape Hospice. This was a weekend long event held at the Azuridge Hotel in Priddis, Alberta called Deck the Halls.

Matt Dusk

The weekend included a design competition, a moonlight gala and silent auction as well as a family day with sleigh rides, face painting and Santa Claus. It also included performances by Matt Dusk, singer, songwriter and producer of jazz-pop music.

I had the opportunity to be one of the vendors in the Christmas shop where people could come and buy gift items or participate in various causes. There were people there from Stars, Canadian Blood Services, Soapnducks, Pampered Chef, and Scentsy as well as myself from Your Inner Light, where I was offering Angel Readings and associated products such as oracle cards and books.

The day was a busy and festive one with the room decorated for Christmas with delightful themed Christmas trees and displays, a giant gingerbread house and people milling through taking a look at the fares. We also enjoyed a performance that day with Mr. Dusk and what a show that was! He is a young, lively and vibrant man who definitely loves what he does. He is playful and young at heart and had everybody tapping their feet or dancing.

The thing that I found interesting about the crowd was the feeling in the air. As an Angel Therapy Practitioner® I can pick up on the vibe in the air, the feelings of people and atmosphere. Though there was a festive theme, I noticed that there were a lot of people in the room who though smiling were feeling sad inside inside, a little lost, who were searching for something and ready for a change or a shift in their lives. There were people who were together yet you could sense that they were miles apart. And I knew I was there to help.

My belief is that this is all related to the global shift that we are experiencing now, as we approach December 21, our bodies are changing and transforming, adjusting to the next level of ascension. For some of us that means that we are changing at rapid rates, which is why many of us are experiencing severe mood swings, fatigue and restlessness in our lives. We are not always able to pinpoint what is making us feel this way or why, but we can feel it. We are all opening up to our intuition and on different levels of our spiritual journey. Yet while some of us are accepting or seeking out the guidance to help us through, others are not sure what to do with it all or don’t know where to go.

My best advice to everyone is to be gentle with yourself during this time of change and to seek support in whatever form works best for you, whether it be through workshops, books and learning or finding kindred spirits to discuss and support you through your process. Because it is a process and a change and we all need support and to be patient with ourselves. One of the things we know is change is constant, so we will never be where we are forever. So if we are feeling sad or searching, the good news is you will not be here forever, you will find your answer and the happiness you seek. I encourage people not to be afraid and to move forward fearlessly. Do things that comfort you and speak to your soul. Know that you are not alone, that we are all going through this transition and change to some degree and that we are doing it together.

This is a very exciting time to be on the planet and believe it or not we all chose to be here at this time! This means that our role is just as important as the next person’s and we all have a part to play in the creation of the next steps for our planet and our lives.

This is why I feel that it is important for me to get out there and be present in the world, sharing my knowledge and skills with those who need it. I believe that day I connected  and talked with those that needed it most. Though some of the other vendors felt that the crowd was small and that the day was a bit slow for business, I felt that it was extremely successful. I did exactly what I needed to do that day. I also believe that by simply being present my energy may have helped someone I did not directly connect with and that’s what makes this all worthwhile. To know that I made a difference, which is what I think many of us strive to do/ feel in our lives.

What is my point? Don’t give up, don’t shun an opportunity because it doesn’t look profitable. You never know what connections or stepping stones you have placed by participating or who you may help. I helped that day at the fundraiser and I am sure, set the foundation for something else to come, which though not clear to me yet, I know will become clear.

Remember that everything you do affects another and that your contribution to the world is always significant; and as you enter the holiday season know that not only are we celebrating Christmas this year, but the planet and the wonderful transition that we making together towards a brighter, better and more peaceful planet.


Getting Ready for Christmas

Over the past couple of weeks I have started to get ready for Christmas, decorating the house, baking, and creating Christmas lists. It is a great time of year as I start right after Halloween, breaking out the Christmas music and Christmas movies and start transforming the house.

I clean as I go, so the house gets a thorough clean, even if it is only once a year (ha ha! -seriously I do clean a little more often). But often this is the time when I get into some of those nooks and crannies that get missed in the regular cleaning. It gives the house such a nice fresh, warm, cozy feeling.

Gingerbread House

I always wonder why the house feels so nice around Christmas time, all decorated and warm, I can just sit there for hours and gaze at the lights or watch the fire. I don’t know if its the anticipation of the coming holiday and events, or if it is simply a cleaner, less cluttered house (as I put away a lot of the extra things that are around); or simply the feeling of love and acceptance that permeates the world at this time of year. I often wonder, as I am sure many of us do, why cannot we not experience this feeling throughout the whole year?

One of the things that is the most fun about Christmas is watching the kids reactions to things, especially the little ones. This year Luke and Chloe being almost 3, are very aware of what’s going on and are constantly expressing their excitement and delight in what’s going on. So each day when I put up something new, Luke and Chloe are there oohing and awing. Because for them it is like they are experiencing it for the first time. Even though they have had 2 Christmases already they don’t really remember or get what it was about.

And it makes it so fun for me to introduce something new and make it special. When I put up the garland in the living room, I made sure the lights were plugged in the next morning so that they could see it when they came downstairs. “Oh Mommy look lights!” they run to tell me in delight; and then we had to leave the lights on all day.

When I put up the snowman shower curtain in the bathroom they started jumping up and down and clapping “Oh look snowman! Penguins!” Then they wanted to touch it and look at it and hang out in the bathroom for awhile.

Snowman & Penguin Shower Curtain

Chloe helped me one day take out some of the Christmas Party Lite candle holders I had. Her eyes lit up each time I brought out a new box and she delicately helped me open and unwrap them. She put snowflakes in the bathroom, and thoroughly examined the gingerbread house.

Both Luke and Chloe love the outdoor lights on everyone’s houses, especially the snowman across the street, that Luke diligently goes and checks on after supper each night. They love the nutcracker on top of the tv and talk about Santa Claus every day, not because he brings them presents but because they know and recognize him, but that he is a part of Christmas. Even when we are shopping in the store, Chloe is oohing and awing and pointing out the Christmas decorations.

It is going to be a wonderful Christmas this year as I continue to watch Luke and Chloe discover it. Everything is new, everything is exciting, a wonder and delight to look at and discover. Matthew enjoys and gets excited for Christmas as well but now that he is older it is for different reasons and some of the wonder and delight he experienced as a young child is not as present as it used to be. It makes me a little bit sad to realize this, not only for him, but for us adults as well. Why not experience the pure joy and delight of the season not only this year, but every year. What if we were to approach it as if it was our first Christmas, something to delight in and discover, share the joy and excitement? Imagine what Christmas would be like for all of us, experiencing the joy of a Christmas decoration, seeing things through the eyes of a child. What a magical, wonderful season it would be for us all, each and every year. If we allow ourselves to enjoy the little things, the joy in the lights and decorations, regardless of the amount of presents under the tree, our hearts will be full and the magic of the season will truly be upon us.

Party Lite Snowflake Candle Holders

And why not apply this throughout the entire year? Find the joy and excitement in everything in our lives, big and small, especially small, because sometimes even the smallest things bring us the greatest joy. Many of us say that it would be nice if the feeling of Christmas lasted all year, well it can, we just need to be grateful and appreciate what we see and do each day. Because there is love and beauty in everything and if we approach each day like a 3 year old with the attitude of what delights am I going to discover today, jump up and down and clap our hands, ooh and awe, what a delightful existence and world we will have!

So this Christmas (and after that as well) as you prepare for the season, decorating and doing all the things you usually do, pretend you are like a young child experiencing it for the first time, seeing life through their eyes, where every day is a discovery, an adventure, a wonderment of looking around the corner to find out what’s new. You’ll discover very quickly what a wonderful space this is to be in and it will become easier and easier to do so. Like anything it may take practice as some of us adults can be pretty stubborn and set in our ways, but the results of this shift will make such a difference in our life and the world. How can you resist such a wonderful and easy solution? If we live from our hearts with love we can never go wrong, just like a child, watch the world of wonder unfold around us.

Mmmmm… Chocolate Brownies (and oh yes sugar free)

Usually at this time of year I start preparing for Christmas, decorating and transforming the house into that cozy little sanctuary that is filled with love and laughter, children screaming in delight, sharing meals and good conversation with friends and family.

It is also the time of year that we are bombarded with sweets and treats and many of us tend to overindulge (a little) because there are so many good things to choose from. I usually start baking about now too, getting the treats ready and putting them in the freezer ready to take out when I need them, when company arrives or if I’d like a little treat myself:)

The challenge over the last year has been making some of my favorite recipes, which are full of sugar, and finding the appropriate sugar substitutions still getting the same taste and result. One of the absolute favorites in our house has been Chocolate Peanut Butter Cereal squares, which after a year of figuring out how to adjust it, I perfected the recipe. It was quite challenging as there were a lot of required ingredients that I had to find sugar free replacements for, such as cereal. The recipe calls for both cornflakes and rice crispies which are sweetened with added sugar. But more on that recipe next week when I post it. (Yes I am going to make you wait for that one)

Today I am going to share with you a delicious and very easy brownie recipe. It is a recipe from my Grandma that I used to make all the time, but hadn’t yet figured out what the appropriate substitution for brown sugar was. I had tried date sugar, and though sweet enough does not melt, so does not work in a lot of recipes where you require the sugar to actually melt. My mother was the one who actually found and tried coconut sugar and said it was a great substitution for brown sugar.

I had heard of coconut sugar but for whatever reason had not picked it up and tried it myself. In the summer when my parents took Matthew camping, my Mom was on a mission to adapt a good old camping recipe that we make on the coals of the fire, called a Cinnamon Apple. Delicious, it’s a baked apple with raisins and cinnamon and the brown sugar creates this wonderful sweet syrupy delight. Mmmmm. Anyway, she had found the coconut sugar and tried it in the Cinnamon Apple and it turned out perfectly; because the coconut sugar was not only sweet enough, it melts just like brown sugar. In fact, when you look on the package of coconut sugar, it says right on the package that you can substitute it for brown sugar.

So I started using coconut sugar in more of my recipes and all the ones that I had been ‘waiting on’ a brown sugar substitute. My first trial was with the chocolate brownies. Not only did they turn out, I found them to be more delicious, lighter and fluffier than the original recipe. In fact they are so good that you don’t really need to put icing on top of them, they are delicious all by themselves.

If you would like to put icing on them I am including an easy chocolate icing recipe that will do the trick. So make, enjoy, eat and freeze (so that you don’t eat them all! though that does not always stop me as I Know they are in the freezer).

Chocolate Brownies

1 c. coconut sugar 

1/2 c. melted Earth Balance

1/2 c. flour

2 tbsp. cocoa

2 eggs, beaten

Mix dry ingredients. Add butter, then beaten eggs. Grease 9″ square pan, pour batter into pan and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes.

Chocolate Icing

1 cup cocoa powder

3/4 cup Earth Balance

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup 100% pure maple syrup

Process all ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy.

Happy Baking!

Coming soon… Chocolate Peanut Butter Cereal Squares

Activities and Projects for Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is something that we celebrate every year, remembering and recognizing the veterans who fought and died in the wars to enable us to enjoy the freedoms that we have today.

Growing up, Remembrance Day was just another day off school to me. Yes we would do the crafts or projects in school leading up to the day and we usually had a Remembrance Day assembly of some kind where we had a veteran come in and talk to us about his/ her experiences. Honestly, it meant nothing to me, I was a kid, and though they were teaching me and telling me about I didn’t understand.

Over the past couple of years due to the involvement with my own children and the Leader in Training program that I volunteer with at the YMCA, I have learned and discovered the depth of what Remembrance Day really is and what are some of the things that we can do to celebrate and recognize it.

Each year we have been doing a Peace Project with the Leaders in Training. Last year we had the kids write postcards to those who were serving overseas, thanking them for their service. This year we shared the story of Sadako, a young Japanese girl who was only 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, and had them make paper cranes to fill up a jar that we then displayed on the counter at Member Services. We also had a wonderful guest speaker, Brent Harris who works for Veterans Affairs, come in and do a scavenger hunt with the kids all through the YMCA. It was a great way for the youth to learn about the wars and the impacts and importance of Remembrance Day.

There are many other projects that can be done as well. Crocheting hats and scarfs for veterans, donating to the Veteran’s Food Bank. There is something for everyone to help with or contribute too.

I think that it is important for us all to do something, even if it is as simple as wearing a poppy or doing a craft with the kids. The kids may not get it or understand it when they are younger but they will know and recognize that something of importance is going on, and it may take them, like me, until they are adults to really understand and appreciate Remembrance Day, but we can still teach them about it and do things in and around this day. And the more we do the more impact it will have on future generations.

So take the family this Remembrance Day and participate in a community event or create a project at home. At the very least have everyone wear a poppy and show that you remember and are thankful for your freedom in this beautiful country we live in.

Breakfast Foods Comfort and Ease! Sugar Free Waffles

I love breakfast. It is my favorite meal of the day. I don’t know if it’s because I also love mornings that I love breakfast or if it is because there are so many yummy breakfast foods to choose from! Pancakes, eggs, bacon, oatmeal, waffles, cereal and toast! Oh and crepes, crepes are delicious, with all the different yummy fillings you can put inside. Yummy!

It’s no wonder that sometimes I like making ‘breakfast’ for supper. Not only is it easy and fast but it is a nice treat. I usually add in some fruit of some kind or maybe a veg depending what I am actually making, but you can never go wrong. The kids always gobble it up and get very excited when they hear that we are having pancakes or waffles for dinner. In fact Luke and Chloe start clapping, jumping and screaming in delight. (I do too actually, on the inside).

As with other foods that are our favorites I have had to adjust these recipes to a dairy and sugar free version, which is quite easy to do. By now I have got the substitutions for things down pat and am able to take any recipe and make the appropriate adjustments.

Last night we had waffles for supper. Waffles have always been one of my favorites, maybe because of the funky shape they come out in, maybe because it is another ‘bread’ type food and that is definitely one of my comfort foods. I like waffles because you can put so many things on them. You can put on the traditional butter and maple syrup or top it with fruit and ice cream or whip cream. I always find it fun as well to fill each little square with something. Yesterday I watched Luke do just that as he took blueberries and put one in each square of his waffle.

I have substituted date sugar in these recipes but have also used coconut sugar, which I tried with the plain waffles for the first time last night. Though they turned out lovely and tasted great, for some reason I enjoy the ones with date sugar better. Depending on your taste preferences you may choose to use one over the other as well.

You do need a waffle iron to make waffles of course and my recommendation is to go with a non stick one. It is so easy to clean afterwards, you just wipe it down with hot soapy water. Sometimes I brush a little Earth Balance Vegan Spread over the plates before I make the first batch of waffles, but that’s it – after that they are stick free and easy clean up!

So whether you are having breakfast or supper, try out these waffle recipes and enjoy them guilt free!

Plain Waffles

1 ½ c. flour

1 3/4 tbsp. date sugar or 2 tbsp. coconut sugar, optional I have made this recipe not using any kind of sugar at all and they do not affect the taste or turnout of the waffle

1 tbsp. baking powder

½ tsp. salt

2 egg whites, room temperature

2 egg yolks

¼ c. Earth Balance vegan spread, melted

1 ½ c. rice or almond milk

Stir first 4 ingredients together in a bowl. Make a well. Beat egg whites until stiff. Using the same beaters, beat egg yolks in separate bowl. Add Earth Balance and milk, mix. Pour into well. Fold in beaten eggs whites. Cook in hot waffle iron until browned, using about 1/3 c. batter for each.

Makes 12 waffles

Chocolate Waffles (these are quite yummy! but the recipe is small. Definitely double it)

1 egg

3/4 c. rice or almond milkchocolate waffles

1 tbsp. cooking oil

1/2 tsp. vanilla

3/4 c. flour

1/4 c. cacao powder

3 tbsp. date sugar

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

Beat egg in bowl. Add milk, cooking oil and vanilla. Beat in. Add next 6 ingredients, mix. Cook in hot waffle iron until crisp, using 1/3 c. batter for each.

Makes 6 waffles

Orange Dessert Waffles

1 c. flour 

1/4 c. date sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tbsp. Earth Balance, melted

2 egg yolks

2 egg whites, room temperature

1 c. orange juice

Measure first 4 ingredients into bowl. Stir together. Add butter, egg yolks and orange juice. Mix lightly. Beat egg whites together in a small bowl until stiff. Fold into batter. Cook in hot waffle iron until browned using 1/3 c. batter for each. Arrange waffles on plates, sift icing sugar over top if using.

Makes 10 waffles

All original recipes are from Company’s Coming Breakfast and Brunches. These recipes have been modified to a dairy free and sugar free recipe.

Date Night

On Friday night I stepped out of my comfort zone and expanded my horizons. I had no kids, no date and it being Friday night I decided to take myself out. I went up to the local coffee shop here in Bridlewood, Cafe Crema. They have live open mic music on Fridays and I wanted to check it out.

So I dressed myself up, put on make up, did my hair and out the door I went. Why not dress up for me, why not take myself out? Why should I hole up and stay in when there is a whole world out there? I cannot meet new people and make new friends and maybe even dates, if I stay in all the time. Yes I could have put on my pyjamas, picked up a nice movie and curled up on the couch waiting for maybe something exciting to happen but why? Life doesn’t happen to you while waiting on the couch, it passes you by, you miss it.

The crowd at Cafe Crema was ecclectic, a mix of young and old, well more actually like a lot of young and a few older couples. There were some very cute men there, sadly all with someone else 🙁 but I enjoyed looking at them. There was one fellow in particular, dark hair, gorgeous, way too young… There was even a couple there sitting on the side reading their books, while the musicians on stage sang their songs and played their tunes. I wondered how they could read while all this was going on but to each his own.

I grabbed my latte, sat down on the comfy couch and enjoyed the music. The first fellow was from Nova Scotia, where I grew up and it made me feel nostalgic for the east coast. The next fellow was young and missed a few verses in his songs but was entertaining to say the least (also nice to look at). The last couple, before I left, was a male and female pair who did mostly original songs, which were quite unique, melodic and even a bit out of tune, yet we were all still tapping our toes to the music.

There were more musicians after that but by that time I decided to take myself home. That short time out inspired me to come home and write to share my experience and tell everyone how empowering it is! Yes I have gone out on my own before to a movie or stopped for coffee, but not like this. Not on a Friday night where everyone is on dates or out with friends. It felt really good not to be sitting at home waiting for someone to call, to just go out and enjoy myself and be with others in the world, even if it was just simply sharing a coffee and listening to some music.

Now I don’t think that I would go out to the bar by myself as for some reason that does not seem like a good idea to me, but the coffee house was ok and it felt great! Besides like I said if I don’t get out how will I meet people? And you never know, maybe one night some nice single man will come in and notice me and we’ll strike up a conversation – you never know.

Being newly separated, it’s good for me to get out. It is also very important for me to take care of myself and know what that means for me. It’s ok to do things on my own, and we all need to, whether we are married or single. When we feed our spirits and expand our comfort zones, we grow, we learn and we become more attractive to others in general; because our eyes sparkle with excitement and fun, we’re happy and content with ourselves. And then we come home and are inspired to do other things, whatever that may be. It left me with a great buzz! and it was not from the coffee 🙂


Spooky Halloween Crafts for Kids

Getting into Halloween just wouldn’t be complete without a few spooky crafts for the kids to make. Besides the sweets and treats it is just as much fun to dress up, decorate and get the kids to add their crafts to the decor!

We put up pumpkin lights, ghosts and skeletons in the yard. I also have some Party Lite candle holders like a haunted house, jack and jill-o-lanterns. They are totally cute! We even have one of those ‘dancing’ stuffed toys that sings the Monster Mash. Luke and Chloe really like the haunted house and want to play with it. I made the mistake of letting them look at it the first day it was out. Though they were very gentle, there was a lot of crying when I put it back on the shelf.

We’ve had lots of fun though this week with Halloween crafts. Easy to make for little ones they add some spooky fun to our Halloween decor.

Bat Wreath (prominently displayed on our front door)

This craft is super easy and adds a nice flare to your front door. Bat WreathYou’ll need ring of cardboard, black construction paper, scissors, glue, small piece of wool.

Trace a small plate and a large plate onto a piece of old cardboard. Cereal boxes work great.

Cut strips of construction paper (about 1 1/2 inches by 4 inches), glue the strips into rolls, like making a paper chain. Glue the rolls of construction paper onto the wreath. If you like you can use other Halloween colors, like orange, purple, green if you don’t want to use all black.

Fold a piece of black construction paper in half and cut out half a bat shape (this will make the wings symmetrical). Use white pencil to draw on face.

Handprint and Footprint Ghosts

This craft is a great way to capture some memories of your little ones at Halloween. Put the date on it and you have a great hand and foot memory from one of their first Halloweens. 

You’ll need black paper, white paint and a black pen.

Dip child’s hand in white pain and place it on the black paper, fingers together to make a print. Do the same thing with their foot.

Let the paint dry and draw on some ghostly faces with the black marker. Cut out the ghosts leaving a thin rim of black around the edge. If you’d like to hang them up punch a hole in the top, or use them as unique invitations to a party.

Paper Plate Spider

You’ll need 2 sheets black paper, paper plate, black paint, white paper, black pen, glue.

Paint the plate black and let dry.

Fold each sheet of paper in half lengthways; then in half again. Cut along the folds so that you end up with 8 strips. Pleat the strips like an accordian.

Glue or staple the strips of paper to the plate to form your spider’s legs.

Cut two circles from white paper as eyes. Draw on the pupils and stick to the spider.

Lift Flap Haunted House

You’ll need construction paper (purple, orange, green, black and yellow), glue stick, scissors, utility knife (for use by adults only).

Draw a house on colored construction paper. Draw a large triangle on green to make the roof, draw a large rectangle on purple for the house and a small rectangle to make the chimney. Cut out pieces.

With a black marker draw a window on the roof, 2 windows and a door on the house. Have an adult cut using the utility knife, around the windows and doors leaving one side attached so that they will open.

Glue a scrap piece of paper to the back of the house and roof, using the same colors – do not glue the windows/door shut. Glue the house to a piece of black construction paper.

Using the other colors of construction paper make pumpkins, ghosts and bats to put in the windows. Glue them in and around your haunted house.

Lift the flaps to discover what’s inside!

There are so many creative things out there you can do for Halloween. Whatever craft you decide on the kids will love creating them and will enjoy another aspect of this spooky holiday!

A Halloween Breakfast -Pumpkin Pancakes

pumpkin pancakes

Last year I made Pumpkin pancakes Halloween morning for the kids.  I found these mini Halloween pancake molds at Williams Sonoma -in the shape of a cat, pumpkin, bat and ghost. It came with the pancake recipe so I thought I would try it out. It was so fun! It was a great way to start the day and to make it fun especially when meeting our no sugar requirement.

I am planning to make them again this year, except I will make them the night before and reheat them in the morning. Because Halloween falls on a school day, I would have to get up quite early to make them fresh and I am having a hard enough time getting up on school days as it is 🙂 It’s way too early for me.

Tips for Using Molds for Pumpkin Pancakes

When using the molds there are a few tips and tricks that I would recommend in order to make your pancake making experience successful.

First, is to buy a pancake pen. They are also available at Williams Sonoma and it is well worth the money spent. You fill the pen with batter on one end and then you squeeze it out of the tip on the other when you are ready. It has a cover on the “pen” end so you can stand it up with the batter at the end and ready to go. This is way easier and faster than spooning it into the molds.

Second, make sure that your griddle or pan is hot before you start and that you grease the pancake molds with a little bit of oil. They are non stick molds but you still need that extra grease to keep the batter from sticking, especially in the corners. And even with that I found that I had to gently push around the edges with a butter knife to get them to come out. And grease them EVERY time you put in a new batch of batter.

Third, don’t overfill the molds. If you use the recipe below they will puff up so only fill them about halfway. If you overfill them they will be hard to get out regardless if you grease them.

pumpkin pancakes

Fourthly, they do have little handles on them to help you take them out, but they become hot as they are metal like the rest of the mold – make sure you use a pot holder or oven mitt to handle them.

Interestingly last year I discovered I had no pot holders as I never found them to be useful and were just taking up space, so I gave them all away. Now I have found a reason to have at least one around, as using an oven mitt is too bulky and awkward to handle the molds. Fortunately I found a Halloween pumpkin pot holder on sale after Halloween last year, so I’ll put it to perfect use.

My last tip is be patient with yourself and give yourself enough time to make them; hence doing them the night before. I have to admit they are a bit finicky to make but once you get the first few under your belt you get the hang of it and it becomes easier. By the time I was done my batch I could get the pumpkin and the ghost shapes out without having to use my butterknife around the edges.

And oh they are delicious! The kids loved them. They found the shapes super fun and now ask for them each year.

So try something unique this Halloween for breakfast; even if you don’t have the molds the kids will still gobble them up. You could Hallloween -ish by simply make faces on them using pieces of fruit like sliced bananas, blueberries, strawberries, apples, etc.

I adjusted the original recipe to sugar and dairy free to meet our needs and is the recipe posted here.

Pumpkin Pancakes

1 1/2 c. flour (I used half whole wheat and half white)

1/4 c. date sugar

3/4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. cinnamon (or 1 drop Cinnamon Bark essential oil)

1/2 tsp. ginger (or 1 drop Ginger essential oil)

1/4 tsp. ground allspice (or 1 drop OnGuard essential oil)

4 eggs, separated

3/4 c. canned unsweetened pumpkin

1 1/2 c. almond milk or other preferred non dairy milk

4 tbsp. melted Earth Balance

1 tsp. vanilla extract

100% pure maple syrup (for serving)

In a large bowl whisk together flour, date sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger and allspice. Set aside.

In another bowl, beat the egg whites until medium peaks form. Set aside.

In another bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, pumpkin puree, rice milk, Earth Balance and vanilla until well combined. Whisk the pumpkin mixture into the flour mixture just until the batter is smooth and no lumps of flour remain. Fold in egg whites in 2 additions.

Heat griddle over medium heat until a few drops of water flicked onto the surface skitter across it. Lightly grease the griddle and the inside surface of the mini pancake molds. Set the molds with handles up on the griddle and heat until hot.

Pour 1/4 c. pancake batter into each mold. If necessary use a butter knife of small spatula to spread the batter into the corners of the molds. Cook until bubbles form on top and the batter is set, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove molds, and flip the pancakes over. Cook until golden brown on the other side, about 3 minutes more. Keep warm until all pancakes are cooked. Makes between 24-32 pancakes.

*Please note that if using essential oils in this recipe to ensure that your essential oil brand is safe to take internally. Not all essential oil brands are created equally and some use synthetic fillers and chemicals in their processing of the oil or added to the oil itself. Due to no governing regulations on producing essential oils a company can say they are 100% or Organic. Due your due diligence and research the brand you are using to ensure your safe usage.

Enjoy! And Happy Halloweening!

Fun Healthy Halloween Snacks

healthy halloween snacks

Getting around the sugary treats at Halloween can be a challenge. But with a little creativity you’ll find that not only will your kids love the alternatives you provide but you will have a lot of fun making them.

Halloween is one of the best holidays to get creative! There is so much you can do, especially with your snacks! You can carve and shape your food into something gruesome! healthy (without all the sugar) and that the kids will enjoy.

Last year I planned a whole menu of healthy Halloween meals and snacks, starting with pumpkin pancakes for breakfast, pumpkin smoothies for afterschool snack and spooky mini pizzas with a veggie man for dinner. It was awesome and so much fun!

Matthew’s class also decided that they were going to have a Horribly Healthy Halloween, and as a group decided not to bring in sugary treats for the class party. So everyone who brought food had to make sure that it was sugar free. They had veggie trays, fruit, cheese and crackers. Our contribution of Witches Teeth and Boo-nanas were a big hit and the kids gobbled them up, with the Boo-nanas being the favorite!

I’ve found that it is really easy and fun to go healthy at Halloween if you choose to. And I have found that the kids will eat what is put in front of them and the things that look fun and cool are the ones that go first, regardless if it’s healthy.


Witches Teeth healthy halloween snacks


Slivered Almonds (if you can’t do nuts use shelled sunflower seeds)

Quarter and core an apple, cut a wedge from the skin side of each quarter, then press slivered almonds in place for teeth.

Tip – If you are not going to serve them right away, baste the apples with orange juice to keep them from browning.




healthy halloween snacksUnsweetened shredded coconut


Orange juice

Popsicle sticks

Depending on the size of your banana, cut them in half or thirds. Dip peeled bananas in orange juice, then roll them in the shredded coconut. Add raisins for eyes. Insert a stick in the bottom to make them “float”. Can be served as is or frozen.


Tangerine Pumpkins

tangerine or mandarin oranges

stalk of celery with leaves – cut into small pieces

This is the easiest and fastest fun treat yet! Peel your orange, do not take it apart and section it, keep it together. Cut small piece of celery and stick it in the middle of your orange (there is a natural hole there). Use a celery leaf and stick that in beside your stem. Voila! Donehealthy halloween snacks

Spooky Drinks

Make your own juice ie. apple carrot and then add some carbonated water and a few peeled grapes. The kids will think it’s gruesome, but they will love it and likely squeal with glee!

Nina Manolson of Healthy Yummy Kids shares many healthy Halloween recipes such as Caramel Apples (my favorite!), Banana Candy and many more. They are easy to make with ingredients that you likely have and use in your home already; and your kids will love them!

Looking for more? There are lots of websites out there that have many ideas for healthy, fun, cool snacks and meals for Halloween. If you google “Healthy Halloween snacks for kids” you’ll have a plethora to choose from. Enjoy and have a spooky, fun and healthy Halloween!

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